Lucy Fisher Fraga Cain President | VACANT First Vice President/Architectural Review Committee Chair | Nancy Ann Gonzalez Second Vice President | Carrie Austin |
Treasurer | Director of Neighborhood Patrol | Director of Public Relations |
Danielle Maudlin Beautification Co-Chair | Mary Jane Simon Beautification Co-Chair | Bryan Treadway Beautification Co-Chair | Mark Thomas Sargeant at Arms |
Mary Wenzel Parliamentarian |
Lucy Fisher Cain, President
Lucy is a native Houstonian who has lived in Oak Forest over 30 years. She has worked in nonprofit over 35 years She's a firm believer in the importance of community. She has been involved in OFHA since 2012. Lucy help start the Patrol Program, Oak Forest Run/Walk Club and Tour de Oak Forest. She is married to Greg; they have five children and two grandchildren.
Vacant, First Vice President/Architectural Review Committee Chair
Nancy Ann Gonzalez, Second Vice President
Nancy Ann has been an Oak Forest resident since 2007. She has been a flight attendant for over 24 years for a major airline. She has one teenage daughter, married since 2008, and adopted 2 owner surrender female pups a little over a year ago. She makes every effort to participate in all neighborhood events, and tries to post on the local homeowner social media pages about fun, whimsical, holiday, decorations, and whenever she notices an upcoming opening of a restaurant or café.
Carrie Austin, Secretary
Carrie Austin is an educator that purchased her home in the neighborhood in 2017. Her family officially moved into the neighborhood in 2019. She is the mother of two boys and is married to a former board member. She is looking forward to serving her community and the board as the secretary.
Gabriel Perez, Community Relations Chair
Gabe Perez is an 11 year resident of Oak Forest. He lives in Section 15 with his husband. Gabe used to be Director of Neighborhood Patrol for 2 years. As a new retiree (Public School Educator), he has rejoined the OFHA Board serving as the Interim Treasurer, Deed Restriction Chair and volunteered on the Community Relations Committee.
Frances Fuhr, Director of Neighborhood Patrol
Frances is a 6 year resident of Oak Forest. She lives in Section 18 with her husband, sons, and dog. Frances graduated from The University of Texas with a degree in Corporate Communications and works for Altria Group. In her free time, she frequents the parks around Oak Forest with her son and enjoys the proximity Oak Forest provides to great Houston restaurants. She joined the board in 2024 and serves as the co-chair of the Patrol Program.
Deena Alcorta, Director of Public Relations
Deena Alcorta has been an Oak Forest resident since 2012. She was born in Houston and grew up in Malaysia and Saudi Arabia. She graduated from Elon University in North Carolina with a Bachelors in Corporate Communications and is a Content Developer for a Houston marketing firm. She loves to travel, spend time with family and try out new restaurants around Houston. She resides in Section 6 with her husband and two children. She joined the OFHA Board in June 2023 and serves as the Director of Public Relations.
Mary Wenzel, Parliamentarian
Mary has been an Oak Forest resident for almost 40 years.
Originally from Scotland and married to a Norwegian, Anna has a background in oil and gas accounting. She relocated to Houston for work and fell in love with the city. Since moving to Oak Forest's Section 6 in 2021, Anna has enjoyed exploring the neighborhood's walkability, local restaurants, and vibrant bars.
Mark Thomas, Sergeant at Arms